
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hey everybody, I made this blog for all you wolf fans out there, like me! We're the Midnight Amber Eclipse pack. Wolves are my favorite animals so I thought I'd make this blog. So anyway all you wolf fans feel free to join.

                            Rules of the pack

  • One, The strength of the pack is the members itself. So everyone is equal. Nobody is better than anyone. Even the Alpha, Luna, and Beta of the pack are equal to the warriors and everyone else.
  • Two, respect the elders of the pack. They know more than you do about the pack's history. Why else did the Moon Goddess make us wolves to where we would age? (The moon goddess created all of the wolf packs, part human part wolf, we're like humans, we live in peace among them but we shift into our wolf forms when we need to, Were different from werewolves, we shift into regular wolves unlike the werewolves that stand on twolegs, yes were normal wolves)
  • Three, (This is for the she wolves) never go out in the forest alone unsupervised, always have a warrior with you. (yes there's girl warriors in the pack) Even if it's you're mate. Or just a friend. This gives you a better chance of defending yourself if there's rogues or any member from another pack in our territory.
  • Four, always stand beside you're pack no matter what, unless you move to another pack. (If you move to another pack you would be an outsider to the pack. The only way you could move to another pack and not be an outsider is with the Alpha or Luna's permission, OR if you're mate is in another pack and you want to join their pack. In some cases that has happened.) If there's ever a battle with another pack, or a clan for that matter, (Us packs live near other packs as we do clans. Wolf clans are much bigger then us packs, so our pack always has to look out for each other no matter if you have an enemy of your pack.) you have to stick together and help each other as warriors. (Every pack member male or female trains and becomes a warrior, we train all in a group, the only way you don't have to be a warrior is if your the pack's doctor, we usually have two one works day shift one works night OR if  you're a pack nurse. 
  • Five, never discuss what happens in our clan with any rogue or a wolf from a different pack or clan. (What happens in our pack stays in the pack. You can only tell your mate, if you're mate's in a clan or a different pack, or even a rogue, you can tell them, but they can't tell anyone else.
  • Six, never hurt another pack member. You can only do that at the full moon. (Every full moon a lot of things happen, every pack or clan has like a gathering. About five things happen. One, anyone who WANTS to challenge the Alpha for his or her position, has to fight them, whoever wins remains alpha. In some of these gatherings, there's never a challenge if everyone likes their Alpha and nobody wants to challenge him or her, they remain alpha. Same thing with the Luna. Also same thing with the beta. It's also the time where if someone in the pack has passed their eighteenth birthday and not yet found their mate, they can talk to all the girls and guys there, depends if you're a boy or a girl, and bond with other's to try and find you're mate, if not you will have to wait until another gathering or wait until you get a mate from another pack or even a clan or like I said if you're mate's a rogue.)
  • Seven, I said a bit about this in rule six, but you either find you're true soul mate before or after you're eighteenth birthday. (Some never find their mate in life so they go through the pain of being lonely. But some do. Everyone has one because when the moon goddess created us she matched each one of us with a living soul, or future soul that will live on earth and be born someday, so everyone has a mate. It's just a matter of finding them in you're life time)
  • Eight, you can reject you're mate. Its sad, but you can. Every wolf like us has that moment where you come across you're mate by their scent. You CAN reject you're mate, I would recommend getting to know them first, but its fine if that never happens. If you reject you're mate, you have to say the proper words, here's an example (And I made up these names). "I Anastasia Rose, reject you Ethan Lourdes as my mate." See? Rejected.
  • Nine, if there's ever a threat to the pack, every male in the pack moves to the pack house, except the one's that will be guarding the shelters where the women who have children, and the elders would stay. The female warriors who don't have children or aren't expecting any will remain in the pack house with the male warriors who aren't guarding the shelters. If there's an attack incase the warriors in the pack house will train and prepare for battle. Or if there's not a threat and the threat passes by there's no need for them to train. Everyone will remain in the shelters or pack house until the threat is gone.
  • Ten, if anyone ever goes on patrol with other warriors to check for any signs of enemies on the territory, they have to have the Beta, Luna, or Alpha with them, Unless they have permission to leave without one of them. If so, if there's an attack a warrior will have to give the order if the Luna, Beta, or Alpha aren't there.
  • Eleven, we live in peace amongst humans. If any human knows of our existence the pack member that told the human of our kind shall be exiled off of our territory and out of the pack. The only way a human could truly know about our kind is if the Alpha, Luna, or Beta gives any pack member permission to speak of our existence, and the human would have to make a proper promise to not tell anyone about our kind and say the exact words here's an example (again made up a name). "I Sondrea Chrisfort promise on my life not to tell anyone about the Midnight Amber Eclipse pack, unless I want to carry on with my mistake and guilt of never telling anyone." That's the promise.
  • Twelve, if anyone has to or wants to join the pack, (As every pack we don't deny someone in need of a clan or pack, even if their a former alpha of an outside pack or a rogue or anyone)they have to connect and make friends with all the pack members in a special celebration of having a new pack member on a scheduled day, and they have to never mention their old pack if they had one and weren't a rogue.
  • Thirteen, always protect a human but don't reveal our existence. The moon goddess created us to guard the humans and do things no other being could do. We're like guardians. We're rewarded by even existing and living our lies with our mates if we ever find them and by having our pack to even exist. (The moon goddess created the clans, rogues, AND pack like us, she created rogues before packs and packs before clans & we were the first pack ever made. We're lucky because the first packs ever made are the ones that get the most respect. That's why right now we don't have any enemies except those who threaten the pack. We like to  be friends with everyone and get allies if we can.
  • Fourteen, ALWAYS protect your mate, even if they rejected you or you rejected them. The moon goddess made laws and number one states: ALWAYS protect you're mate rejected or not. Even if its painful because you rejected them or they rejected you. But you still have to BE there for them. The only way it isn't possible is if they died, moved away, or aren't in your sight or if someone helps them before you.
  • Fifteen, NEVER go near silver. Or even touch it. It's bad because every wolf like us is allergic. Well, sort of, it causes us wounds, even if we touch it. It could kill us. Silver stops us from healing our wounds. (Yes, we are close to invincible but not exactly, say I have a huge gash in my stomach from shoulder to hip, it would only take 48 hours to completely heal once the pack doctor stitches it up. That's in our human form. If you're in human form and you want to heal faster, shift into wolf form, you heal quicker.)
  • Sixteen, never hunt or trespass on another pack or clan's territory. We don't want them to think we're invading.


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